Wednesday, September 9, 2009


A month ago we received a surprise package from Noah's parents: pajamas for the kids! I've been meaning to blog about it, but whenever I remember to pull out the camera, at least one set of Pajamas is in the laundry--do you see my dilemma?

So yesterday, when all the laundry was done (it is now inevitably stacking up again) I made a point to capture the event.
All the while, Gabby handed out piggy back rides to her adoring batman brothers who responded with squeals of laughter as they were flown around the living room, dodging toys and pillows.


  1. Adorable! And pajamas make everyone so much snugglier.

  2. Hey, it looks like you guys had a pajama party - one of Henry's most favorite activities! I recently bought him some new robot pajamas, apparently they have "too many things on it" so he doesn't like them. Glad to know that your kids are okay with having "things" on their pajamas :)

  3. Love the way your children have so much fun together. Gabby's a sweet big sister and strong piggy-backer.
