We found K12 (a home schooling program) and are absolutely loving the curriculum. During the first week of home schooling, we read about some ancient mounds in Anderson, Indiana. The following weekend, we took a field trip and brought along Katie (Gabby's friend) and the Bjorks.
We happened to arrive just in time for archaeology week so the kids got to dig for arrow heads and make petroglyphs.
We explored the two mounds on site.

...and by doing some yoga.
We went for a magical walk on a trail around the mounds
Oliver kept asking me to take pictures of him lying on the trail--he was really feeling it.
we even found some magic mushrooms (but don't worry, we didn't find out just how magical they were).

We found a creepy manikin:
The kids found a hands on exhibit, which was a big hit.
And to finish the visit off, we bought all the kids little planes to fly.
The best was yet to come though...on the way home, we came across this on the side of the road:
A GIANT SHOE!!! You heard me!

We got in tuned with the ancient spirits of the mound the only way you can--by lying on the earth
Noah discovered the mounds were only 20 minutes away from the ONLY radio control airplane museum in.the.world. So we took a gander and visited it. Honestly, it wasn't that bad.
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