Thursday, February 5, 2009

Here's to You Mom...

Since it's almost Valentines day and it's also Black History month, I've been thinking a lot about my mom.

Yes I know she's not black, but shhhh. . . she doesn't know that.

My mom is quite honestly one of the most phenomenal women I have ever met (and I'm not just saying that because she's my mom or even because she's kind of a big deal). My mom is the reason I know how to be a good mom (not that I always choose to be a good mom, but it is because of her that I know how to be good).

Lessons from My Mom:

As a single mom when I was just three, she taught me to make the best of every situation and/ or place. we actually lived in my grandparent's garage for a bit, which she decorated in a Strawberry Shortcake theme. For Christmas we couldn't afford Christmas decorations, so she sewed teddy bears and strawberry shortcake ornaments (which still grace my tree every year).

She gave me my love for opera music, though as a child I was mortified every time she'd pick up the broom and start singing (I'm now getting pay back from my own children).

She taught me to make things beautiful by changing things up in our house almost yearly when I was growing up (my younger sister and I would go to the parade of homes with her EVERY year to get ideas). I got to design my room repeatedly and still enjoy keeping things interesting and ever changing in my own house.

My mom taught me to be creative. As a child I can remember many days spent at Provo Craft picking out ceramics to paint, cotton balls to turn into bears, clothespins to turn into dolls, even dryer lint became pillows. This aspect of my childhood is something I want so much for my own children to have.

My mom taught me to love Halloween by making (not buying) many of my unique childhood costumes, which included: a witch, a Native American princess, Lady Lovely locks, a mermaid, the Snow Queen, a clown . . . in fact I can remember more Halloween costumes than I can remember Christmas presents.

My mom unknowingly gave me a love for cooking. This is an area my mom wasn't too fond of, but as a result she didn't mind at all when I would pull out a recipe from the Friend (or other cookbook) to make.

My mom taught me to open my door to everyone, even my entire 6th grade class (around 30 kids). She actually let me to invite everyone to my birthday party. Wow. In addition to that one act though, everyone feels welcome and unjudged at my family's modest house, especially my children.

My mom taught me to be a strong woman. Because she was strong by example.

My mom taught me to be passionate about life and about what I choose to do with it. She herself has written and published numerous books (including a ground breaking trilogy about black Mormon pioneers called Standing on the promises). Most recently, she produced and directed a documentary about African-American Latter Day Saints, entitled Nobody Knows: The Untold Story of Black Mormons).

I could go on and on, but at the risk of sounding boastful, I wont.

So here's to you mom. . . thank you for being mine.

P.S. Isn't she Beautiful?!


  1. Your Mom is pretty darn cool and beautiful!

    Love the new blog. It sounds like you guys are doing great. I love the pictures of Oliver eating cereal-classic. I want a pretty fancy apron... :-)

  2. Awww, I love your mom, too! She has been a wonderful influence in my life, and this is a great tribute to her. I will always remember how during the less comfortable parts of our Europe trip, she would just brush it off and call them adventures. And it wasn't annoying either, it made it more fun.

    And she is a totally good-looking lady.

  3. Dang, Kaila. You just made me cry big time.
    THANK YOU for being my daughter. I wouldn't even know about Strawberry Shortcake without you. (And Adrea, your mom also got way into Ms. Shortcake, if you recall. I've told you about her making you a strawberry shortcake quilt at my house--and then realizing that EVERYONE had SS quilts. She was never one to do what everyone else was doing.
    What a wonderful start to my day.

  4. I agree! Your Mom is wonderful! She is always interesting and fun to be around. She has great children and grandchildren, too.

  5. I LOVE this post! And I love our mom!!! Most especially her blackness. ;)
