Monday, August 10, 2009

A Healthy Competition

I am addicted to sugar. Totally addicted. I would happily eat a piece of chocolate cake for breakfast, half a batch of cookies for lunch and a few slices of pie for dinner. I've been perplexed as to why my running hasn't been paying off in shed pounds. The answer is simply my addiction. My body loves to maintain a very healthy weight (healthy as in hefty) and so it compensates--when I burn 300 calories running, I simply have to have a treat to balance myself out. My body doesn't like being a loser!

Simply trying to limit sugar has not been working. I'm terribly good at making excuses and exceptionally good at making treats. So I decided to go off completely. I also informed Noah that he would be doing the same. The one who lasts the longest gets $50 and a smaller waistline.

It's been almost two weeks since the competition started.

Sugar, you are no longer my friend.


  1. I am sooooooo impressed you have been off sugar for 2 weeks! keep it up!! (I am likewise addicted so you this is very good inspiration for me)

  2. Are you sure Noah isn't sneaking any at work? Make sure you check his breath. I hope you win the $50, maybe you could buy a tasty treat with the earnings. :-) No really good luck!

  3. Good luck Kaila....but Noah is pretty stubborn. Especially when it comes to money.

  4. boy have you ever got that right Zach!

  5. Good luck! Of course I'm also rooting for Mom. Luckily, I have long ago mastered making sugar-free hot chocolate, so she's able to indulge one addiction without succumbing to another.

    P.S.: I miss you guys!

  6. Oh my goodness! I'm so in awe of you guys! I seriously don't think I could last more than a day, tops! When I had to go off all dairy, soy, and nuts while nursing Georgia, I just kept telling myself, "at least I have my sugar..."

    Keep up the good work!

  7. Gotta have respect for that. I don't do well with diets that tell me I CANNOT have something. I do better with just trying to eat it sparingly... well at least that is what I like to tell myself. ;)
